EU expands sanctions against Russia

EU expands sanctions against Russia

The European Union in a new package of sanctions expands the ban on investments in the mining sector in Russia, with the exception of activities related to critical raw materials, the EU Council said in a statement.

The EU will expand restrictions on the Russian energy industry by further banning new investment in the Russian mining sector, except for activities related to certain types of critical raw materials.

In addition, the EU is expanding export restrictions related to the aviation and space industry, extending the ban on the supply of aircraft engines and parts to the Russian Federation, including for drones, the statement said.

"The EU will expand the ban on the export of goods and technologies related to the aviation and space industry to include aircraft engines and their parts. This ban will apply to both manned and unmanned aerial vehicles," the document says.

The EU notes that in this way "from now on there will be a ban on the direct export of drone motors to Russia and any third country that can supply drones to Russia."

Moreover, in the new sanctions package, the EU banned the provision of services to Russia in the areas of advertising, marketing research, and opinion polls, the said statement says.

"In accordance with today's decision, a ban is introduced on the provision of EU services to the Russian Federation in the field of advertising, market research, public opinion polls, as well as product testing and technical control services," the document states.

However, the European Union introduces certain derogations for a number of persons on the sanctions lists in order to avoid disruptions in payment for agricultural products, according to the EU Council.

The restrictive EU measures in relation to Russia are not directed against trade in agricultural and food products between third countries and the Russian Federation, the report says.

Finally, the European Union will freeze the assets of two Russian banks, add the All-Russian Regional Development Bank (RRDB) to the list of organizations whose operations are subject to a complete ban, the EU Council said in a release.

The EU will freeze the assets of two more Russian banks and add the All-Russian Regional Development Bank to the list of Russian state-owned or state-controlled entities whose operations are subject to a complete ban.

SOURCE: EuroNews

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