Dating Mistakes

Dating Mistakes

It would seem that nothing can spoil the date of people in love with each other, but no. It turns out that there are many factors that can create a bad impression of you. In this article, we will tell you what mistakes you should definitely avoid on dates.

6 mistakes you make on dates

Vulgar appearance 

We are in favor of skillfully emphasizing our beauty, but categorically against the vulgar image. There is a very thin line between “vulgar” and “sexy”, which is very easy to cross. It is best to opt for something beautiful and comfortable. Your partner will be pleased to see a worthy person next to him.

A date in a car

A date in a car is not at all the best thing that can be between two people. On the contrary, it is better to let your fantasy something more. For example: you can invite your partner to a cafe, to a beautiful park or somewhere else. Sitting in a car is rather boring and uninteresting.

Talking Too Much

It is important to maintain a balance between “speaking” and “listening”. Moreover, this balance must always be maintained, and not only on dates. Let your partner talk about themselves, not just talk about your life. A person who knows how to listen and talk is always an interesting conversationalist.

A lot of negativity.

Seriously? Do you think dating is perfect for complaining about your problems? In no case. Learn to focus on positive experiences in your life. Rejoice in the little things and enjoy the company of the person you are crazy about. Leave all the negativity to the news.

Cheeky behavior

If your partner shows you cheeky behavior, you have the right to build your own boundaries. If you are not comfortable with this kind of behavior, firmly say no. It is bad form to violate another person's boundaries.


Sitting on a date with the telephone is also a sign of bad taste. If you are not interested, please leave this date. And if you are addicted to social media, you should get rid of it. 

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