The 7 Most Popular Smoking Myths You Still Believe

The 7 Most Popular Smoking Myths You Still Believe

Everyone knows that smoking is very harmful, right? Cancer can develop from it, the vascular system will suffer. However, historically, many myths have developed around cigarettes, which scientists constantly refute, but people continue to believe. 

7 most popular myths about smoking:

#1 Fear Ads Don't Work

There are a huge number of studies in which scientists ask ex-smokers about why they quit smoking. The two most common reasons are health hazards and the cost of cigarettes.

For example, one US study spanning 13 years found that 91.6% of ex-smokers cited "taking care of their current or future health" as their main reason for quitting.

If information and warnings about the dire consequences of smoking don't work, then why do all these ex-smokers get the desire to quit in order to be healthier? Such thoughts do not appear in the head by magic, only constant advertising and pronunciation of the same information can one day affect a person. 

#2 Rolling Tobacco is More “Natural” Than Factory Cigarettes 

People who smoke cigarettes often like to argue that factory-made cigarettes are full of chemical additives, while the tobacco they roll themselves is "natural". 

This myth was first unceremoniously debunked when the New Zealand authorities ordered tobacco companies to provide them with data on the total weight of additives in manufactured cigarettes, hand-rolled cigarettes and pipe tobacco. For example, 1991 data provided by WD & HO Wills showed that 879,219 kg of cigarettes contained 1,803 kg of additives (0.2%). While in 366,036 kg of cigarettes there were 82,456 kg of additives (22.5%)!

Rolling tobacco is marinated in flavorings and humectants, the latter being used to prevent the tobacco from drying out. The conclusion is obvious! 

#3 Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking 

People generally fall into four groups when we talk about the risks of smoking: 

  • First, they heard that smoking increases health risks.
  • Second, they realize that there are certain diseases that are caused by smoking.
  • Third, they have an accurate understanding of the meaning, severity, and likelihood of developing tobacco-related diseases.
  • Fourth: they recognize the risks and can "try on" them for themselves. 

Alas, there are much more people from the first group, which suggests that people do not understand the real risks. For example, very few people know that two out of three long-term smokers will die from smoking-related illnesses, or about the average number of years smokers lose to cigarettes. 

#4 The risks of smoking can be reduced by smoking less

This is true, but only if you used to smoke 20 cigarettes, and now only three. Yet research shows that the only way to reduce or eliminate health risks is to stop smoking. 

#5 Air pollution is to blame for lung cancer

Air pollution is certainly a major health threat. For example, cities in which production or mining is concentrated. However, do not forget that there are many smokers in the world who live in completely different parts of the world. Is the incidence of lung cancer different in highly polluted cities and in remote ones? Yes... BUT! Some studies show that smokers are more likely to get cancer in the cleanest corners of the planet. 

#6 You can't quit smoking without professional help

If you ask 100 ex-smokers how they quit smoking, about ¾ will say they quit without help. 

The most curious thing is that this number includes people who have not even applied for nicotine replacement therapy and did not use other drugs.

#7 Smokers often live to a ripe old age, so smoking is not to blame

Five out of six participants in the deadly Russian roulette can say that a loaded gun to the head is not at all dangerous. But is it true? Science has long proven that smoking kills, and this is a fact that will have to be acknowledged.

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