What happens if you fire a weapon in space?

What happens if you fire a weapon in space

In many masterpieces of science fiction, you can see battles in outer space. Moreover, both between spaceships and between people. But what actually happens if you decide to fire a modern weapon in outer space?

Fire in the vacuum of space without oxygen will not burn. But the weapon can still shoot in such conditions. The fact is that modern ammunition has its own oxidizing agent, due to which the powder explodes and the bullet fires.

But this shot will not be heard in space, even if it happens. This is due to the fact that there is no air there. Therefore, the sounds of gunshots in space that we see in games and movies are all a hoax.

Also, the smoke that would come out after a shot from a weapon would merge into a sphere at the end of its barrel.

The bullet after the shot will move in space with the same speed, since it will not have air resistance. This will continue until this bullet hits some object. And even if it does not have any obstacles, then it will not be possible for it to go beyond the limits of the universe because of its too low speed: 1422 m / s, while the expansion rate of the universe is 50-100 km / s.

In addition, the recoil after a bullet is fired will affect a person more than on Earth. As a result, the shooter will fly off in the opposite direction from the shot and begin to slowly rotate in outer space.

Finally, due to direct sunlight, the weapon can heat up so much that the ammunition will explode on its own. And in the shadows, weapons can become too cold, brittle and start to stick together.

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